Biodiversity on earth and India:-
- Total species present on earth = 20-50 million
- Global species diversity on earth =7 million (Robert May)
- According to Robert May = 22% of 7 million species are discovered
- discover Plant & Animal species = more than 1.5 million
- Indian global diversity = 8.1 [ cover 2.4% Land ]
- In India :-
- 1) 45,000 Plant & 90,000 animal species discovered.
- 2) lakh Plant & 3 lakh Animal species yet to be discovered
- Mega diversity country in world =12
Biodiversity on earth
Biodiversity on earth
2). Plants
1)Animals (>70%) :- A). Invertebrates & B).vertebrates
A). Invertebrates
1). Insect (>70%) Max
2). Beetles (3 LAKH) species
3). Ants (20,000) species
4). Other animal groups
5). Mollusks
6). Crustacean
1). Fishes (28,000) species
2). Ave's
2). Plants :-[orchids = 20,000 ] species
1). Angiosperm (Max.)
2). Fungi
3). Algae
4). Mosses
5). Ferns & allies
6). Lichens (mini.)
Note :- species diversity of fungi is more than the combined total species diversity of Fishes,Amphibians,Reptiles,Mammals.
**Prokaryotic are not estimated in global diversity because
* Are not suitable for identifying microbial species.
* Many species are simply not culture under laboratory conditions.
* If we accept biochemical / molecular criteria for delineating species for this groups then their diversity alone might run into million .
Patterns of biodiversity
Biodiversity in Amazonian rain forest
The largely tropical Amazonian rain forest in south america has greatest biodiversity on earth.
1). Invertebrates =1,25,000
2). Plants = > 40,000
3). Fishes = 3,000
4). Birds =1,300
5). Amphibians =427
6). Mammals = 427
7). Reptiles = 378
Ques:- What is so special about tropics that might account for their greater biological diversity
A). SPECIFICATION ( new species formation ) = generally function of time
B) . Relatively remain undisturbed ,static, constant ,uniform environment for million of year
C).Due to this constancy nature, it provide /favor long evolutionary time essential for species diversification (or) speciation
D) Tropical environment is less seasonal, more constant and predictable. so it promote
* Greater species diversity
* Niche specialisation
* Higher productivity due to availability of more solar energy
* High resource availability
* Less competition
* Low rate of extinction
E). Maximum annual rainfall
in turn ,higher productivity indirectly contribute to greater diversity .
While in Temprates :- frequent glaciations, more seasonal variation , non-uniform, and unpredictable environment leads less species diversity and no speciation
According to A.V. Humboldt
" Within a region species - richness increases with increasing explored area but only up to a limit.
Relation between species richness and area
Z= Generally ranges between ( 0.1 - 0.2 )
Value of Z doesn't depend on taxonomic group of species and area .
[ कहीं का कुछ भी हो हमेशा Z- value same रहेगी ]
Ex. चाहें ब्रिटेन का Plant
चाहें कैलिफोर्निया की Bird
चाहें न्यूयार्क का Molluscan
Above ex. are Z-value same for all
But if this relationship is studied among very large
(ex. entire continents, tropical rain forests ) then -
Z- value = 0.6 - 1.20
Ex. Herbivores ( Fruit eating ) Bird and Mammals in tropical forest of different continents then
Z- value = 1.15
Ques:- What do steeper slope meant in this context
Ans:- Steeper slope = increases Z-value = increases species richness = increases species diversity
The importance of species diversity in Ecosystem
Rich biodiversity is essential for ecosystem health as well as imperative for the survival of human race on earth.
- Long term ecosystem experiment (DAVID TILMAN)
- Rivet- popper hypothesis ( PAUL EHRLICH )
- Loss of biodiversity according to ( IUCN Rule )
- Example of recent extinction
- Hot spot
- Effect of loos of biodiversity
- Causes of biodiversity losses
- Biodiversity conservation { WHY }
- Biodiversity conservation { HOW }
- Susceptibility to extinction
- Special point Some importance
- National park of India
- Some important sanctuaries of India
- Biosphere reserves
1.Long term ecosystem experiment (DAVID TILMAN )
CONCLUSION :- Plots with
- More species show less year to year variation in total biomass .
- Increasing diversity contributed to higher productivity .
A stable community
- Should not show too much variation in productivity form year to year
- Must be either resistant / resilient to occasional disturbances [ Natural or man-made ]
- Must be resistant to invasions by Aliens species .
* Communities with more species tend to be stable than those with less species
2. Rivet- popper hypothesis ( PAUL EHRLICH )
- WINGS = KEY - SPECIES [ The drive major ecosystem function ]
* Assume that, in an airplane ( ecosystem ) all passenger in it starts pooping of Rivet (species ) causing every species to become extinct . It may not affect flight safety (Proper function of ecosystem ) initially.
- But as more and more rivets (species ) are removed from the airplane ( Ecosystem ) become dangerously weak with time .
- Further more , loss of rivets on wings is obviously a more serious threat to flight safety than loss of a few rivets on the seats or window inside plane .
3. Loss of biodiversity according to ( IUCN Rule )